Projekt finansierade med Riksantikvarieämbetets FoU-anslag
Du är här: Hem // 2018 
TitelDigiCONFLICT - Digital heritage in cultural conflicts
MedelsförvaltareLinköpings universitet
ProjektledareMalin Thor Tureby
FoU temaJPI CH
UndertemaDigital Heritage
Beviljat belopp
2018 477 290
2019 992 100
20201 012 600
Kortfattat syfte
The project will explore the impact of digital heritage on contemporary engagements with the past. Focusing on oral history, photography and multimedia museums as some of the most common media used to digitalise cultural heritage the project endeavours to challenge widespread claims about the universality and democratising abilities of digital heritage.
The project will explore the impact of digital heritage on contemporary engagements with the past. While acknowledging the role digital heritage plays in shaping and distributing cultural heritage, the project’s point of departure is that digital heritage cannot be considered in separation from historical, cultural and national contexts. The project has three main aims: 1) to explore how national politics affect digital definitions of cultural heritage, 2) to investigate who creates and engages with digital heritage, and how, and 3) to study how the scope and value of cultural heritage are being negotiated and reformulated in a digital context.